Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11

I felt tired this morning and really tired during the morning workout... almost like I was bonking. I wonder if I didn't eat enough last night?

I had major cravings today - mostly this afternoon. I think I'm looking for a break and wanting to do something else. I mostly survived (didn't eat SAD anyway) but ended up eating some sunflower seeds (more than I need and they were salted) because... oh, I don't know why - because somehow I justified it as being better than SAD. Yes, while it's better, I can DO better!

I had a massage scheduled today at 7 pm so I pieced together some odd food before I left. I wasn't hungry leaving the massage and had another victory since I went to the grocery store afterward and walked out with NO JUNK food. I even walked down the bakery and snack aisles tempted to take something! When I got home though, I was a bit "snacky" - but not hungry! I logically acknowledged this, but I still ended up eating. It wasn't a binge but definitely overeating. I didn't need it!

B - green smoothie: 2 pears, strawberries, 1 T flax, 6.5 oz collard greens

L - salad: romaine, 1 tomato, baby carrots, 1/2 avocado, 3/4 cup black beans, buttermilk-type dressing
- 1 persimmon

S - 2 oz RS sunflower seeds

D - (pre-massage) 1.5 cups garbanzo beans, 25 dates, 1/3 bag berries and cherries
- (after massage) 5 dried persimmons, about a pound of edamame peas

E - swim: 1:00

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