Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bad habits be gone

After a couple of false starts, I am ready to take 2011 on.

#1 "resolution": STOP BINGEING

I don't care about anything else. Well, I do, but that's definitely #1. I'm so sick of spending all this time and energy loathing myself, feeling guilty, abusing my body, and putting The Evil Trinity (sugar, fat, and salt) before health. I want to be a "normal" person again and eat normally. Losing a few pounds and making myself disease proof are just the welcome side effects.

Like any goal, I need to break it down and take smaller steps to get there. I'm going to start tracking the days I stay binge-free (goal is to make it to 1 week first) and make smaller weekly goals.

First set of weekly goals:
  • Read reasons why I'm Eating-to-Live daily.
  • Plan out meals for the following day
  • Limit dinner time to 1 hour. Obviously the time can be shorter than that, but no more eating after 1 hour is up
  • After dinner, clean up kitchen and immediately brush + floss until any other "wind down" activities begin.

These are aimed toward my tendency to overeat in the evenings. I'll report back next week.

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