Thursday, August 5, 2010

Accountability Tenfold

Peertrainer is a daily accountability website used for diet and exercise. They have just launched a "Spotlight", which is a team of 16 members who support each other and agree to have their logs viewable to everyone. This particular Spotlight is sponsored by Philips, who is promoting their new DirectLife fitness coaching system. The DirectLife system consists of a small device you add to a necklace, belt, or pocket and wear everyday. The device connects to your computer where you can periodically upload your data to a website which will gather your activity data.

What makes this sponsored spotlight unique is that not only will the other team members support and hold one another accountable, but Philips will provide real coaches from DirectLife that will also review their activity and offer feedback. Accountability is a powerful motivator. When you know that people are watching your food and exercise log, it (usually) changes your behavior in a positive way.

Why am I telling you about the Philips Peertrainer Spotlight?

Because I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the participants!

We received the Philips monitor in the mail last week and I set mine up the other day. The first week is the "assessment period" where you're supposed to wear the monitor with you at all times. It magically calculates your movement and by the end of the assessment period, you're supposed to be given a plan used to get you to your goals.

I am on day 3 of the assessment. Now I hardly notice that I'm wearing the monitor, but initially I was confused on the proper placement. I have it set for "pocket" which means I'm placing it in my pocket, but I don't always have pockets on me when I swim, bike, or run. I emailed the support team at Philips and they responded promptly (a definite plus) and said I could put it in my sock while biking. Not sure how that will work but I'll try it this weekend.

You can view my log and follow me on Peertrainer here. I'm lacia.

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