Long story short: Read Eat to Live (henceforth, ETL) but the book that cemented it was reading The China Study. How can one continue to eat animal products after reading that?! I've been trying at it since August of last year but am still not 100%. I did initially lose 5 lbs (with 10 lbs left to get to Fuhrman's "ideal weight") but had a relationship end in March. Two month's worth of pity parties later (yes, I am an emotional eater), and I'm now at my heaviest.
I had a wake up call yesterday. Actually, I've had three in the last week:
I tried to put on a skirt this morning and couldn't get the zipper up.
Tonight, a close friend, who has been staying with me, poked me in the stomach and half-jokingly asked, "What's up with the belly?" Ouch. I was mortified. He is brutally honest.
Last weekend I saw my parents at a family party. My mother pulled me aside and asked if I was pregnant. She honestly thought I was! I wanted to die.
Drastic times call for drastic measures.
I'm committing to the 6-week plan (again), starting Monday. But "my way" this time. I know it won't be perfect. Don't try to tell me I can commit if I really want to... I know myself and stating that I have to do anything 100% just brings out the perfectionist and drives me crazy... it causes too much anxiety and sets up the all-or-nothing attitude that usually ends up in thinking I'm a failure and giving up after one slip. So I'm going to do the best I can. My way will pretty much be sticking to the original 6-week plan outlined in the book with the following exception:
I'm going to use non-ETL food for training. I'm a triathlete and eat processed energy gels, bars, drinks, etc. during training. I'm not giving this up.. for now. One problem at a time...
I started this blog as a place for me to write down meals and thoughts about what is working and what isn't. Who knows, maybe someone else will find this helpful?