Monday, July 20, 2009

I haven't given up

I could tell you about how busy I've been with a roommate moving out, a few more dates I've been on, social events I've planned and attended, and long bike rides I've been on, but it doesn't matter in the end... I've neglected this blog! In doing so, I also fell back into some old patterns of SAD-eating. I've done okay this past weekend, still having green smoothies and salads, but I've let too many treats back into my daily meals.

I've decided I don't think I can do the "6-week plan"... at least not right now. That probably should have been obvious with all the breaks in the actual 4 weeks that I did it. Instead, I'd like to concentrate on developing a more consistent ETL approach to my daily food. I seem to go through periods of "perfect" meals and then weekends of horribly sugary, fatty, salty foods. I may still post daily food, and I'll keep weighing in weekly to track my progress, but I'm not going to commit to a certain time period. This is a lifestyle after all...

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