Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bad Habits

I binged last night and again this morning. Yesterday was a bad episode. I realized I wasn't even hungry but did it anyway. It's not about hunger. Food comforts me in some way that nothing else can. Or rather, I haven't found anything else that works just as well. Sure, I think about the things I CAN do instead (e.g. clean, sleep, call someone) but I always reach for food.

I disliked writing that paragraph because it sounds so dramatic. Logically, I should adapt a no-nonsense approach. These are all just bad habits -- the way I "always" reach for sugary items when stress hits and the way my thoughts gravitate towards, "I'll never succeed at this." But habits CAN be broken.

In a desperate move, I picked up Beck again. I've read through and done some of the program before but never made it all the way through. She says in the book, "If your doctor gave you an antibiotic, would you only take half of the pill?" No, right? So why do anything half-heartedly?

I'm going to go through some of the exercises again in an attempt to change my distorted thinking. Bad habits can be broken!


  1. I wonder if your exercise is contributing? It can be difficult to adjust to Eat To Live while doing more than average exercise. It takes some careful observation to switch from what allowed you to do all that exercise to more healthful foods. Sugar is the big lure, and even moreso for athletes. So this may be exacerbating your cravings.

    I also think you are right on with the sleep thing! I would say that is a major contributor: It has been proved to cause overeating and even weight gain, aside from all the other issues!

    Could you be drinking too much water? You are probably drinking more than you need: you may be inadvertently flushing very important electrolytes!

    I agree you can choose to change habits! It just takes repetition (even as it gets boring!) to create those "automatic" brain grooves :)

  2. I don't *think* it is the exercise because I've had this sugar addiction for a few years now, and I've only recently been trying ETL.

    I definitely do need to get more sleep!

    Interesting about the water... I'll have to watch that. I can tell I'm drinking less since my green smoothies are made with water.

    Thanks for reading and commenting... I really appreciate the suggestions and ideas! :)
