Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beck - Day 20: Get Back On Track

How ironic, since yesterday I was decidedly OFF-track. I am having a hard time staying motivated. I go through what seems like motivation spurts... super duper motivated for days -- usually a week -- and then the next week, I want to give up. I'm not sure why but I've noticed this distinctly this month. First week of June was great and on track. Second week not so much. Third week was strict and back on track (until Sunday) and now I'm feeling less motivated again. What gives?

Yes, I'm reading all the reasons I'm doing this and I know all of the health reasons for doing so as well, but I really want to eat SAD food. I keep thinking about it. Even though I know how horrible it is for me. And even though I love eating this way too.

So yesterday I struggled and ate pretty well for most of the day, including dinner, but blew it in the last couple of hours before bed.

Since today's task is to get back on track, that's what I'm going to do.... whether I want to or not. So far, I haven't been very hungry. I couldn't eat breakfast even after my morning workout because I was still bloated and full from last night. I went to the gym again at lunch and even after that, I wasn't very hungry. I finally ate a small salad around 2 pm and felt normal hunger around dinner time.

And now I'm going to give myself credit for getting back on track and making my "get back on track" response card.

I still have to figure out this motivation problem...

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