Monday, February 15, 2010

"Pasta" Ideas

One thing I miss in the SAD-eating world is pasta. I miss the days of huge plate-fuls of noodles and tomato sauce. I probably could get away with eating whole wheat pasta, but the temptation to overeat more than 1 cup is far too big.

I had asked for a spiral slicer for Christmas and Santa delivered! I love this thing. It is from Benriner and so far has been working great. It has 3 separate blades which varies the shape of the slices made.  After reading the horribly written instructions ("helps your cooking fast, joyfully with wonderfully edged strings" anyone?), I was able to figure it out using the pictures.  It's not difficult at all. This is what I do for zucchini noodles:

  • Slice off the ends.
  • Cut zucchini into pieces that will fit the slicer.  It holds pieces around 4 inches long, so it typically takes me 2-3 rounds to slice one zucchini.
  • Turn and slice away!

It's fairly easy and quick.  The "noodles" fall to the cutting board beneath in beautiful curled strands.  The slicer holds onto the zucchini on top as it turns it to slice, so there are end pieces left each time you slice:

No problem, I just slice them thin and mix with the rest of my "noodles."  I dish the whole thing onto a plate and eat with a simple marinara sauce. 

BTW, I eat WAY more than that little plate. Try 2-3 platefuls. :)

On a separate note, the other thing I do sometimes when I am craving "pasta" is slice cabbage or collards very thinly and then blanch them.  I use the cooked vegetables as my "noodle" base and serve with a "cheeze" or marinara sauce.

I love that it is super nutritious and low calorie that I can enjoy a healthy serving. YAY ETL!

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