Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Motivating Reason #2

I want to improve my cholesterol.

My cholesterol numbers are not good. I could make the argument that it runs in my family (my mom has high cholesterol) but I don't ever remember having it as a teenager or young adult, and I know diet has a lot to do with it. I ate a somewhat clean heavy-veggie/little sweets diet as a girl/teenager/college student, but somehow after I started working, I developed a sweet tooth -- a strong one. I had been dating a guy at the time who looked fantastic (very athletic) but who also loved his chocolate and sucked me into Sugar Land. In retrospect, I think he had his own body image issues.

Years later and though I'm over him, I am not over the sugar addiction. I also learned how to cook and bake along the way. This has been hard for me since I'm known as "the chef" amongst my family and friends am currently abstaining from those pastimes. I won't even try to cook ETL gourmet items for myself at this point because I'm afraid I will overeat them. I just want things to be SIMPLE right now.

Oops, that was a bit of a ramble. The point is, I can improve my cholesterol eating this way.

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