Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1

It's a new month and I've joined in a thread at the forums at to lose "10# by May 1" - although for me, my goal is just 5. Since I don't have as much weight to lose, I don't think it's possible for me to lose 10 that quickly. I'm excited and hoping the accountability and support will really help.

Although I've made a lot of good changes, I still don't feel that I'm there yet. The truth is that I STILL haven't conquered this bingeing problem and have bouts of huge sugar and salt intake. I know that it's mostly a habit for me and that this is the way I've learned to "de-stress" and cope when I'm dealing with hard emotions. Why do I still do it? Good question. I'm still figuring that part out. I think I haven't figured out a better substitute. So part of what I am going to try now are breaking the habit and replacing it with something else.

I weigh in "officially" on Monday.

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