Friday, September 2, 2011

6WC: Day 2

A couple more "tempting" situations today but I'm glad to say I got through them. Hurray!

Tempting situation #1: We finished our morning workout and a bunch of us decided to have breakfast together. I was tasked to help a friend out by ordering his food and picking it up, which I did, without buying anything for myself (except a beverage). This was at a favorite coffee shop of mine. While everyone else was eating their bagel-egg-ham-cheese-bacon-doughnut, I whipped out my container of fruit and nuts. Yes, I am a total dork. Although - two girls did admit that my fruit looked pretty good.

Tempting situation #2: Work potluck day. We have potlucks at work every month and there are about 0.001% healthy choices so lately I've been avoiding them. But today, I wanted to put in my "face time" and I wanted to help one of the guys who was doing a lot of work preparing food for everyone. So I volunteered and helped season all the burgers and helped prep some food (mostly SAD). I admit a lot of it looked good to me, but I also tried to tell myself that that stuff isn't real food.

Decent day overall, even though I did not get to the gym at lunch like I wanted to (too busy). I did swim this morning for an hour though.

Breakfast today was the earlier mentioned fruit and nuts (cantaloupe and blueberries with walnuts). Lunch was more cooked veggies and a big bowl of split pea soup. Dinner was mashed cauliflower and spinach with mushrooms and a lot of organic black plums. Mmmm.

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