Friday, September 9, 2011

6WC: Day 8: Dinner by headlamp!

This is a day late, because of the massive power outage that occurred in a lot of southern California yesterday afternoon. It took me TWO HOURS to drive home yesterday! That was pretty horrible.

There was some daylight by the time I got home so I managed to round up some candles, matches, and find my headlamp. I just got a new one last year for Christmas. People scoff at the lowly headlamp, but it really does have a lot of uses! I use it mostly for hiking, but have a friend who will wear it if we run in the dark (we were running at 4:30 in the morning for a while and it is dark that early!). Notice I said I let him wear it and not me. Hah. Yesterday though, I wore mine all around the house. It was a lot brighter than the candles we lit and much less dangerous.

The fiance and I decided to try not to open our fridge and freezer up so the food would stay insulated longer since we did not know how long the outage would last. Instead, I made dinner from pantry items: rinsed can of garbanzo beans, a couple of peaches, and some cashews. Not fancy but it did the trick.

We took a walk around the neighborhood and went to sleep early (what a luxury!).

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